Social Media and Extra Curricular Activities

I believe that you should be fired about what you say on social media. One reason is how hurtful it can be. Imagine if you were just a 5th grader and your teacher said you were the devil’s spawn? I have seen many articles about how things like this can lead the way to depression later in life. One teacher called her students the devil’s spawn. ” After today, I am thinking the beach sounds like a wonderful idea for my 5th graders? I HATE THEIR GUTS! They are all the devils spawn!” Christine Rubino said on Facebook. This was quoted by Michael Gonchar, author of the article “Should What You Say on Facebook Be Grounds for Getting Fired?”. That is horrible. I bet you loved your 5th grade teachers. And then imagine one of them did that. That sort of thing completely disgusts me. The next reason is how people would react. Behind a screen, it can be lost in the large flow of posts. But, in real life. People will hear you and actually show their emotions. It is hard to show emotion while you typing. You can’t see their face. If that teacher said that in front a group of people. Let’s say she would receive a whole lot more of rage than on Facebook. I mean, just look at politics. If you say, “I HATE DONALD TRUMP” on Facebook, no one will really care. But, if you said that exact same thing out loud on the street. Someone is bound to start auguring with you. My final reason is personal space. In this case, the teacher didn’t say any personal things about her students. But, in other cases, that isn’t what happens. Some people say really embarrassing things about let’s say friends on social media. Especially when they are mad at them. The teacher could have easily added something at certain students if she wanted. Luckily, she didn’t. But, imagine how bad it could have been if she did. I hope I changed your mind about this issue in society. And if you were already on my side, I made your case stronger.


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