My Little Old Man!

For those of you who know I have a dog. He is 14 years old. That is why the title is “My Little Old Man!” He is a Golden Retriever. We adopted him on March 4th, 2017. He is a kind boy who doesn’t hurt anyone! In fact, he is in love with us. One time I was walking him. A dog got loose from their owner and ran towards us. Buddy quickly realized that is dog was about 3 feet in front of me. Then, he ran (Yes, RAN) to stay in front of me. The dog was harmless. But, Buddy didn’t want NONE of his business. He tried to protect me. Although all he could really do is gnaw them to death. Which, is impossible to my understanding.

More about the day we adopted Buddy. I remember a lot of the details. My mom called us to her room. We walked in there. Expecting that we would have to clean or something to that matter. My mom told my brother to shut the door. My mind was saying “What happened?! What did I do?!” She said, ” I’ve been looking for awhile and found a dog we could adopt.” My brothers and I started talking and in my case squealing. She made us stop talking and said,”He is older though. Your dad and I were hoping we could adopt him to make the rest of his life good.” I exchanged looks with my brothers. I said to my mom,”We will!” My mom commented saying,” You know may not have him for very long.” We all said together, “We know.” I said by myself, “It is the right thing to do.”

We got dressed being very excited to finally get the dog we have been begging for. We have been since I was in Kindergarten. It didn’t seem like a long drive, although it was 45 minutes. We finally got to PetSmart. They were having an adoption day. My brothers and I were looking for Buddy’s crate. And there he was laying in the cage.

We wiggled our fingers though the metal bars just to pet him. His fur was so soft. My mom told us to go look at fish while she does paperwork. They let us take Buddy on a walk! He peed literally everywhere. We were told they don’t usually let families take the pet home the day the paperwork is signed. We had to wait about another 30 minutes while my mom did even MORE paperwork. After that time, my mom says “Kids.” We look back to see my mom smiling. “Yeah mom?” She says “Wanna take him home?” They let us take him home THAT DAY. I felt like CRYING (Happy tears). We ran to Buddy. I remember saying, “You are coming with us today!” As if he knew what was going on. He was so calm going home. He was smiling the whole way. He is still here today.

This is funny stuff that Buddy does. One, he will STALK my brother Michael. If he is laying down, he will get up and walk to Michael. Then follow him. When Michael goes downstairs, Buddy will lay by the staircase waiting for him to come back up. We don’t know why Buddy does this. But, it sure gives us a good laugh!

Also, breakfast and dinner. When I am making his breakfast, he will often howl. It is a pretty pathetic one though. It always makes me smile. So, that is probably why he keeps doing. The first time he did. He woke my parents up. (His food is in their walk-in closet. So, Buddy can’t eat whenever he wants.) They thought something was wrong. My mom realized that is was just Buddy being a little impatient for breakfast.

Also, if Buddy has an itch he will roll on his back. Now, dogs do this. So, why am I commenting on this? He will always stop and breath heavy. But, he has this FACE. It is SO FUNNY. He is the best dog ever.

We are trying to convince my mom to get a puppy so Buddy can “Raise it”. We also can’t wait until it snows and we catch it. Buddy has never really SEEN snow before. We want to see his reaction. Hopefully it is like when he first saw a dragonfly. I was walking him and a dragonfly zipped by and Buddy freaked out! He tried to bite it. The dragonfly was to fast. Also, the first time he saw a catfish. We have a fish tank at my house. Some of these fish are catfish. The first day we had Buddy. He tried to eat it. But, he hit is nose on the glass. Let’s just say he never did that again.

He is an amazing dog. Some people believe that old dogs are bad because of their age. I was one of these people. But, when I got the little old man. MY whole perspective changed. If you are looking for a dog. Don’t look for just puppies. Look for a old dog too. You won’t regret it.



 <——My dog Buddy!!! ^_^

You know how I adopted Buddy? You should adopt too!


Find the the perfect pet!


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